Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a world where compassion transcends borders, and unity prevails over conflict. Through our impactful T-shirt fundraising campaign, we strive to shed light on the challenges facing the Middle East, from longstanding conflicts to pressing human rights issues. Our dream is to build a global community committed to tangible change, one T-shirt at a time, with the ultimate goal of contributing to a future where peace, understanding, and solidarity reign in the region and beyond.

Magen David Adom

An organization with thousands of emergency respondents, both volunteers and staff, equipped with medical supplies to care for the injured and ill in Israel.


An organization dedicated to uniting the global Armenian community for the betterment of Armenia and Artsakh. Their mission encompasses driving positive change in various sectors, promoting quality and accountability, educating the youth, and instilling hope for the future in
these regions.

American Families 4 Israel (AF4I)

An organization formed to assist American volunteers who selflessly stand with Israel. These volunteers, often the primary providers for their families, make significant sacrifices, leaving behind their jobs and livelihoods to answer the call to action.

Center for Human Rights in Iran

An organization dedicated to advocating with governments and major international organizations while collaborating with activists worldwide to raise awareness of human rights violations in Iran. Their relentless efforts strive to promote fundamental rights and freedoms and ensure that Iran upholds its international commitments.

Center for Disaster Philanthropy

An organization that focuses on long term recovery and equity-focused contributions to areas afflicted by conflict.